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death knight specialization

death knight specialization?

Specializations can be applied to your class, allowing you to focus on certain aspects of the class, such as combat or healing. A specialization can also be applied to your race. There are five specializations: warrior, rogue, priest, druid, and paladin.

How do I find my specialization?

Click the "Specialization" tab at the top of your character sheet.

How do I apply my specialization?

Click the "Specialization" tab and select the specialization you want to apply, then press "Apply".

how do I change my specialization after I've selected it?

Click "Specialization" again, and now you'll see a drop-down menu with all of the classes and their specialization options. Select one to change it.

Where are the options for the druid specializations?

Click the "Specialization" tab and you'll see the options for the druid specializations on the left. Just select one to apply to your druid and use the options to modify your specialization.

How do I make the druid's specialization "Balance" instead of "Survival"?

Click the "Specialization" tab and you'll see "Balance" instead of "Survival" as the druid's specialization. Click on the "Survival" tab to view the options for this specialization.

How do I make the druid's specialization "Nature" instead of "Nature & Balance"?

Click the "Specialization" tab and you'll see "Nature & Balance" instead of "Nature" as the druid's specialization. Click on the "Nature" tab to view the options for this specialization.

How do I make the druid's specialization "Protection" instead of "Protection & Survival"?

Click the "Specialization" tab and you'll see "Protection & Survival" instead of "Protection" as the druid's specialization. Click on the "Protection" tab to view the options for this specialization.

How do I make the druid's specialization "Restoration" instead of "Restoration & Nature"?

Click the "Specialization" tab and you'll see "Restoration & Nature" instead of "Restoration" as the druid's specialization. Click on the "Restoration" tab to view the options for this specialization.

How do I make the druid's specialization "Ritual" instead of "Ritual & Protection"?

Click the "Specialization" tab and you'll see "Ritual & Protection" instead of "Ritual" as the druid's specialization. Click on the "Ritual" tab to view the options for this specialization.

Why do my druid spells look different?

This is normal for druids. Druids use a different set of spells and are assigned to four different schools: nature, magic, religion, and spirit. Each school has one spell associated with it.

How do I choose my weapon?

Click the "Weapon" tab at the top of your character sheet, and you'll see a list of the various weapons available for you. Choose one to equip. It will be displayed on the left side of your character sheet.

How do I choose my armor?

Click the "Armor & Shield" tab and you'll see a list of the various armor and shields available for you. Choose one to equip. It will be displayed on the left side of your character sheet.

How do I choose my mount?

Click the "Mounts" tab and you'll see a list of the different mounts available for you. Choose one to equip. It will be displayed on the left side of your character sheet.

How do I choose my pets?

Click the "Pets" tab and you'll see a list of the different pets available for you. Choose one to equip. It will be displayed on the left side of your character sheet.

How do I choose my skills?

Click the "Skills" tab and you'll see a list of the various skills available to you. Choose one to equip. It will be displayed on the left side of your character sheet.

How do I apply my pet's damage modifiers?

Click the "Skills" tab and you'll see a drop-down menu of all the skills available to you. Click the skill you want to apply the modifier to to apply the modifier.


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